Sunday, April 24, 2011


A rough rehearsal before the Melbourne run at the Arts Centre in Victoria.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Been and gone

Well lots has been happening in the past month, seen lots of shows of all performance genres.

Launched the Cockatoo Calling project last Sunday on Cockatoo Island with Hinterlandt and Llew Kiek.

It was great to get a chance to talk to artists and hear the acoustics in the warehouse.

Also Little Marionette provided the most fantastic coffee. Ed is still building websites, but reviews talking about how wonderful they are, are plentiful on the internet. Here is one of them (review)
Joanne Kee

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Martenitsa Choir and Mara

This was an uplifting experience. The 20th Anniversary Concerts featured both Martenitsa and Mara!

They featured Bulgarian soloist Silvia Entcheva and the Mara! Ensemble. If you missed them they were recorded by ABC Radio National' for broadcast on Music Deli later in the year.

If you get a chance this will really be worth hearing.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Concrete Heartbeat

Felt a little bit like a rap poety piece of inner city life.