Monday, August 21, 2006

Jazzgroove and the end of an era

This week was the end of Ross Ogden being administrator at Jazzgroove, thanks to Ross for doing a fantastic job. What a great night, fantastic music with Dale Barlow up first and then Carl Orr. It's an amazing atmosphere where people are packed into the room, listening to the grooves or so many musicians are hanging out in the bar.

So this was also the week of the final party at the Performance Space on Cleveland Street, ready to move on to the Carriageworks at Everleigh. Such a lot of performance history, and what a beautiful room for performance, lets hope something good goes in there.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Art and about

Speaking to a friend of mine today and I am amazed to hear that tickets for children's shows are being scalped on e-bay. It seems to take scalping to another realm when people are after tickets for Playschool or Velveteen Rabbit.

Also seems to show how far a parent is prepared to go to provide what their precious children want.

It seems a different society where children receive toys and outings at such a cracking pace. I know of all my friends and acquaintances who have children there is a phenomenal amount of consumerism. Look out interest rates, this generation will certainly be addicted to consumer consumables.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Reflections on the weather and other sundry thoughts

So a winter chill has crept back into the air, and in a weekend of contrasts its a time to hang out, listen to musicians from around the globe, improvising and jamming, look at some art, hear some beats ....

As I become more involved in improvised music, I am pondering on the frame and format of classical music. On the surface, much more structured and precise than both world music and improvised jazz.

What sort of difference is there in thought processes from one form to the other? Is one about freedom of expression and the other about freedom of interpretation? Any thoughts on this - I am really interested.
Potential Music/arts venue space - image J Kee

I am working towards a music venue in central Sydney, affordable, cutting edge sometimes, sometimes not, sometimes popular, sometimes experimental and a place to hang out. This Wharf space is currently being used for the Biennale (till the end of August), if you want to have a look. The space looks incredible, if you are interested in supporting an arts space, with music at its core, let me know.
