Sunday, October 29, 2006

Aria awards

Well I got to watch on TV the Aria awards, seeing as being part of the Jazz/classical scene we don't rate an invite to the more glamorous affair.

What does that say about the State of music and the regard that is held for Jazz, classical and world music.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Aria awards

What excitement when I received an invitation to the Aria awards. However that soon died down when I realised that I had been invited to the "cut down" version ie 5 awards and the Conservatorium of Music as the venue.

So Classical music, jazz, film scores and world music are poorer cousins to the glamour of the "other" Arias - the one they show on TV.

Tragic isn't it, just goes to show where we fit within the pecking order.

However I guess the best thing about them was at least with only 5 awards they were short!

Joanne Kee

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hectic lifestyle

Time just doesn't seem to stretch.

I have so much I am trying to cram into the days of the week. Work, family, lifestyle - what lifestyle? Just snatches of thoughts of good things to do.

The weekend away becomes a work commitment, that also includes financial planning - not my idea of a relaxing way to spend time.

Interesting, I decided to leave my full time job for a more relaxed lifestyle.

That slippery thing time just won't stand still.
