Sunday, September 24, 2006


A fantastic week of Jazz music at the Sydney Opera House, showcasing a diverse range of musicians presented by Jazzgroove and SIMA.

Such a huge amount of talent in the Australian improvised music scene, playing to capacity crowds.

Joanne Kee

Picture from Japanese Australian Jazz Orchestra at Jazz:Now Festival 2006 - taken by J Kee

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Steve Irwin

Now that the dust has settled one can wonder on the age we live in, where we can cry for someone we didn't even know.

The power of mass communication.


Mighty Sparrow

Its really interesting seeing performers who have been around for a long time.

The Mighty Sparrow had a huge personality and vocal presence, but what is it with a band who look so bored. They looked as though they would have been happier sitting at home filing their nails.

The Calypso music is full of joy and life - what sort of energy and respect for the audience can be found in bored musos staring into space?