Sunday, January 30, 2011

Aron Ottignon, Carmen

A great start to the New Year with a gig from Aron Ottignon, Jonathan Zwartz and Hamish Stuart at the Sound Lounge for SIMA.

All were on good form. Check out the review on my meetup site.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mona Foma

Do you need to listen to organ music in a church, or are these the few places that have organs? So there is always a formal, omnipresent presence to organ music.

Sitting listening to Joseph Nolan playing organ in St Marys Cathedral, Hobart, feels like large country town, long sleeve cotton shirts, middle aged men in city clothes. Ladies in summer frocks.

Quiet in the cathedral but for the tapping of a keyboard and the occassional squall of a child, and of course the sound of the music rising and falling in waves.

Not much air in the church. one can imagine the heat in summer's gone by in a hot Hobart afternoon, with the congregation creating its own steam, human heat raising the temperature.

Joanne Kee

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Our little discovery of the week was the Paris Cinemas at the Entertainment Quarter, where you can take in your wine and the seating and trays are similiar to the premier concept.

We saw Heartbreak, which we thoroughly enjoyed, though some parts were excruciating, so silly we couldn't bear to watch. We did have fun though, big girly movie and if you like Dirty Dancing its a hoot.


Saturday, January 01, 2011