Sunday, May 25, 2008

APRA Nominations

Well jazz is definitely the poor cousin of the rest of the pack. At the recent naming of nominees not a single artist had a video, yet this was de rigeur for every other genre.

Does that mean that no-one has an interest in jazz videos?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jazz @ the Metro

A sneak peak at the gig. Metro makes a good jazz venue.

Why does live music start so late?

We headed down to the Empire Hotel at Annandale to catch some live music. Why does it have to start so late.

After having a meal, a few drinks, the support band started.

Am I the only person who doesn't want to hang around to 10.30 before the band they want to see comes on?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Comedy to speed music and beyond

This was a busy week with the Chaser at Enmore doing their thing. Rather like a student review, but of course with the Chaser polish. Good fun.

Then there was the round of venues from Marc Isaacs at the Sound Lounge to Mr Percival at the Gaelic Club.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Carl Dewhurt and Matt Keegan

Carl and Matt playing together sounded fantastic. I just managed to catch the end of the set on film.
