Saturday, July 22, 2006

Tastes from around the world

In a world of escalating tensions it is heartening to experience the power of music with its ability to evoke feelings of harmony, joy and sadness.

In Sydney we are fortunate to have many opportunities to see and hear arts from around the globe.

This week I have been fortunate enough to hear the haunting voice of Ismail Fadhil, with his compelling Iraqui rhythms. In bleak times one values an opportunity to dance, to be free in mind and absorbed with music.

For some reason the middle East is at the forefront of my experiences this week. Omar Raruk Tekbilek, Hossam Ramzy and Synergy were performing at the Enmore Theatre. A fantastic fusion of cultures, creating music of our times.

From New Zealand was a dance performance of Black Milk, a pastiche of ideas, dwelling on death, with touches of humour.

Then there were the simple pleasures of sharing a meal with friends returning to Switzerland at a Belgian beer cafe.


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